Friday, June 1, 2012

To Teach or Not To Teach

Our education system is failing.  Why? Do the answers lie in the home? Is it the schools? Is there a correlation between increased  technology, childhood obesity, and bad grades? I don't know the answers. I'm not sure any of us do. 
The next thing to do is to ask the question, "What do we do about it?"
There are many ways to teach. There are many ways to learn. However, we have become a "catered-to" society. Everyone expects to have everything tailored to them so do we also tailor teaching to all the different types of learners in the classroom? 
Making Education Bigger
I feel it is time to take a step back and look at where our country is heading and figure out what we can do to help our education system get back on the right track.


  1. Hello Kayak,
    I am one of your classmates! If you are saying that students need to take responsibility for learning, I agree 100% I think educators need to provide the information in more than one way (but not 30 ways) so that all students benefit, but ultimately, it is up to the student to complete the learning process.

  2. I know you don't have all the answers, but after having stepped back and thought about it, what do you propose could be done differently?

  3. I believe a big part of the answer lies in the home. Parents need to start being parents and quit trying to be their children's friends. Children need boundaries. It gives them security. Many times parents don't discipline because they are afraid their children will get mad at them. Parents also need to quit making excuses for their children's bad behavior. My son used to tell me I always took the teacher's side when he would tell me things that happened at school! Ok, I'll stop now, but I just get so tired of stuff always being someone else's fault! If you make a mistake, own it!

    1. I completely agree with you, Amy! Lack of ownership for one's behavior and inability to do anything without a bit of hand holding seems to run rampant in our schools. There seems to be so much competition among parents to have the perfect child that they will do things to help them even if it is cheating, such as doing their homework!

    2. Cheers to both of you! We need more parents to BE parents and take an active interest in the education of their children! The teacher can teach to every style and give perfect assignments, but if the students don't make any effort and know their parents don't care (or will just blame the teacher), learning is NOT going to happen.
