Sunday, June 17, 2012


For me, the opportunity to read the blogs and responses of my peers and teacher have been very insightful and rewarding. Everyone in our class has so much knowledge, wisdom, and experiences that they have been willing to share. From this, I am able to take away many ideas to use in the future. 

An important characteristic to have in any type of endeavor is to be open to healthy criticism and then being able to improve oneself. I realize, for myself, that as an educator it will be especially important to stay organized and not put things off. Teaching and procrastination don't mix. Educators have lots of prep work and can't wait until the last minute to do things.

When I look back upon these last weeks; the learning styles I have studied and pondered, I realize I went through a wide range of emotions. At one point I found myself becoming very frustrated with the variety of learning styles and the thought that, as an educator, I would have to alter my lesson plans to accommodate the many different students and their specific styles of learning.
However, after watching the movie, Blackboard Jungle, it reminded me of the impact a teacher can have on one's students by taking the time to make a few adjustments to the teaching methods.
This, perhaps, had the strongest impact on me because it helped remind me of my own students and their various habits and learning styles. In the classroom we did a variety of activities, but at the time I wasn't aware of the fact that we were addressing the needs of the students and their learning styles. This will be an awareness I will carry with me as I continue my teaching and education.

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