Thursday, July 19, 2012

Whitewater Rafting

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz,

    I've noticed that children become progressively more careless as they approach teenage and young adult years. I think it's their subconscious attempt to gain independence and break away from being told how they will behave. Once they reach a certain age, they get tired of hearing it, I suppose. But, do you find that as they get older, they also challenge themselves more and become more competitive? My daughter will be 10 next month. I notice that she becomes far more competitive the older she gets. When I've visited her class to help with parties or events, I see it as well. As early elementary students, they are more lackadaisical and whimsical in everything they do. Once they start to sharpen their skills, they want the opportunity to use them and even show them off. Perhaps creating a competition or game with prizes would motivate them to "do the right thing?" You are so lucky to get to work with children. I pondered becoming an elementary educator, but I have spoken with friends who are teachers and there are far too many politics in the public education systems that disable bright ideas from bright teachers, and I don't think I would be able to deal with the parents, either! :) On the adult side of things, I think we will find the same in our classrooms; competition and individual desire to shine and apply personal experiences. Grown-ups like games too, so what a fun thing to incorporate into a classroom! It sounds like you have a lot of creative ideas! Thanks for your post!

